The Casebook Archive contains every Moot Court Problem produced since 2007. Presently more than 100 past problems are available, mostly in editable form.*
The Casebook Archive is available only to subscribers to the latest Casebook edition. Subscriptions can be purchased online either by credit card or by check.
Note: This page is searchable via your browser’s search engine. Direct downloads via the “Download Now” button is supported on Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge, with some experiencing difficulties with Google Chrome. If using Chrome, right click on the “Download Now” button, select “Copy Link Address” from the pop-up menu, and paste the link in a new tab. The download should begin immediately.
*Our last preemption check was conducted on January 1, 2022. Users should check that the specific problem they download has not been undermined by cases subsequent to this date. If a problem was preempted prior to January 1, 2020, it will be marked with a “Preemption notice” at the bottom of its description. Please note that preempted problems are not necessarily stripped of their educational value or potential use; shifts in the law can be cured by stipulation that only cases in effect as of a particular date may be considered, or by providing competitors with a “closed universe” of cases representing the extent of the law for the purposes of the exercise. The Moot Court Board has used the latter technique in training exercises for its staff members. In any event, we urge you to confirm the viability of any problem before its use.
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